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Club Code Of Conduct To Protect Children

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Futbol Club Emery also known as Toronto Tecnico has developed the following Child Protection Code of Conduct

to guide our employees/ volunteers in their interactions with children. The safety, rights and well-being of

children we serve are at the core of our daily programs. We nurture supportive relationships with children

while balancing and encouraging appropriate boundaries in accordance with Ontario Child, Youth and Family Services Act (2017)

Why a Child Protection Code of Conduct is important?

Our organization is committed to ensuring all children are protected and safe.

A Code of Conduct is an important part of creating safe environments for children.

The safety, rights and well-being of children participating in our programs

is a priority in our daily operations. The intent of the Code of Conduct is to guide

our staff/volunteers in developing healthy relationships with the children involved in sport

programs delivered by our organization and to model appropriate boundaries

for children.

Treating Children With Dignity and Maintaining Boundaries

All staff/volunteers must:

  • Treat all children with respect and dignity
  • Establish, respect, and maintain appropriate boundaries
    with all children and families involved in activities or programs delivered by the organization.

It is important to monitor your own behaviour towards children, and pay close attention to the behaviour of your

peers to ensure that behaviour is appropriate and respectful, and will be perceived as such by others.

All of your interactions and activities with children:

  • should be known to, and approved by the board, where applicable, and the parents of the child
  • tied to your duties
  • designed to develop the child's skills in the sport program

Always consider the child's reaction to any activities, conversations, behaviour or other interactions.

If at any time you are in doubt about the appropriateness of your own behaviour or the behaviour of others,

you should discuss it with the designated person within your organization.

Examples of unacceptable behaviour toward a child:

  • embarrassing
  • shaming
  • blaming
  • humiliating
  • putting them down

General Rules of Behaviour
Staff/volunteers of the organization must not:

  • Engage in any sort of physical contact with a child that may make the child or a reasonable
    observer feel uncomfortable, or that may be seen by a reasonable observer to be violating reasonable boundaries.
  • Engage in any communication with a child within or outside of duties with the child, that may make the child uncomfortable
    or that may be seen by a reasonable observer to be violating reasonable boundaries.
  • Engage in any behaviour that goes against (or appears to go against) the organization's mandate, policies, or Code of Conduct
    to Protect Children, regardless of whether or not they are serving the organization at that moment
  • Conduct their own investigation into allegations or suspicions of potentially illegal or inappropriate behaviour
  • it is a staff/volunteer's duty to report the matter to the designated person, Child Welfare Agency, or law enforcement,
    not to investigate.

What Constitutes Inappropriate Behaviour
Inappropriate behaviour includes:

    1. Inappropriate Communication. Communication with a child or his/her family outside of the context of duties for the organization, regardless of who initiated the exchange.

    For example:
    • Personal phone calls not tied to duties with the child
    • Electronic communications (email, text message, instant message, online chats, social networking including "friending", etc.) not tied to duties with the child
    • Personal letters not tied to duties with the child
    • Excessive communications (online or offiine)

    2. Inappropriate Contact. Spending unauthorized time with a child outside of designated duties with the organization.

    3. Favouritism. Singling out a child or certain children and providing special privileges and attention.
    (for example, paying a lot of attention to, giving or sending personalized gifts, or allowing privileges that are excessive, unwarranted or inappropriate.)

    4. Taking Personal Photos/Videos. Using a personal cell phone, camera or video to take pictures of a child, or

    allowing any other person to do so, as well as uploading or copying any pictures you may have taken of a child

    to the Internet or any personal storage device. Pictures taken as part of your job duties are acceptable,

    however, the pictures are to remain with the organization and not be used by you in a personal capacity.

    5. Telling sexual jokes to a child, or making comments to a child that are or is in any way suggestive,

    explicit or personal.

    6. Showing a child material that is sexual in nature, including, signs, cartoons, graphic novels, calendars,

    literature, photographs, screen savers, or displaying such material in plain view of a child, or making

    such material available to a child

    7. Intimidating or threatening a child

    8. Making fun of a child

Inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated, especially as it relates to the well-being of the children

involved in activities or programs delivered by the sport organization.

Whether or not a particular behavior or action constitutes inappropriate behaviour will be a matter determined

by the organization having regard to all of the circumstances, including past behaviour, and allegations or

suspicions related to such behaviour.

Reporting Requirements

All staff and volunteers must report suspected child sexual abuse, inappropriate behaviour or

incidents that they become aware of, whether the behaviour or incidents were personally witnessed or not.

Where to report:

1. All allegations or suspicions of potentially illegal behaviour (for example, child sexual abuse) that a staff/volunteer

witnesses first-hand, must be promptly reported to police and/or child welfare.

2. To ensure the protection of all children in our care, all allegations or suspicions of potentially illegal behaviour

that a staff/volunteer learns of must also be promptly reported to police and/or child welfare. Police and/or child welfare

will make the determination as to whether the allegation or suspicion requires further investigation.

3. All allegations or suspicions of inappropriate behaviour (see above examples), that a staff/volunteer

learns of or witnesses first-hand, must be reported to the designate for the sport organization.

Keep in mind that you may learn of potentially illegal or inappropriate behaviour through the child or

some other third party, or you may witness it first-hand. Examples of the type behaviour you may learn

of or witness and that you must report as set out above includes:

  • Personal phone calls not tied to duties with the child
  • Potential Illegal behaviour by a third party, such as a Parent, Teacher, Babysitter, Coach

If you are not sure whether the issue you have witnessed or heard about involves potentially illegal

behaviour or inappropriate behaviour, discuss the issue with the designated person within your organization

who will support you through the process. Remember: You have an independent duty to report all suspicions

of potentially illegal behaviour directly to police and/or child welfare.

Follow up on Reporting

When an allegation or suspicion of potentially illegal behaviour is reported, police and/or a child welfare agency will be notified. The

sport organization will follow up internally as appropriate. When an allegation or suspicion of inappropriate behaviour is made,

the sport organization will follow up on the matter to gather information about what happened and determine what, if any, formal or

other disciplinary action is required.

In the case of inappropriate behaviour, if:

  • multiple behaviours were reported
  • inappropriate behaviour is recurring, or
  • the reported behaviour is of serious concern

the organization may refer the matter to a child welfare agency or police.

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